A view of human rights in the inter-American system

A view of human rights in the inter-American system

The life, physical integrity and dignity of people cannot be left at the mercy of any government or state. Under this international consciousness, achieved after humanity's experience in various military conflicts, the Inter-American Human Rights System emerges.

Its purpose is to promote the regional protection of human rights under any circumstances. To this end, it acts through the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR Court). Both organizations are responsible for monitoring compliance with the obligations undertaken in this regard by member states of the Organization of American States (OAS). For compliance professionals, consulting with sdn list ofac specialists can offer important guidance on aligning transactions with international legal requirements.

World War II was devastating from every point of view. The systematic and serious violations of human rights during this conflict paved the way for taking human rights protection seriously outside the jurisdiction of countries, preventing the interests of governments from obstructing justice. Thus, the protection of human rights became an international task, passing into the hands of global society.

The OAD has been considering monitoring these rights since its founding charter adopted in 1948 in Bogotá, Colombia. Article 5 of the document establishes the declaration of human rights without distinction of race, sex, religion or nationality.

For this reason, all member countries of the OAS are subject to close scrutiny by the Inter-American System, regardless of whether they have ratified any treaty related to this issue. This organization unites 35 independent countries of the American continent and, in addition to ensuring compliance with human rights, is a guarantor of democracy, peace, security and development in the region. 

Action for protection

A feature of the Inter-American human rights system is the application of the Statute and Regulations of the IACHR and the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man to all OAS member states without exception, even if the nation is suspended from membership. organizations

The IACHR is the main and autonomous body of the OAS, established in 1959. It consists of seven independent members who have the necessary credentials to be human rights experts. They are elected by the OAS General Assembly and are not subject to any state or government.

Its purpose is to monitor and promote the protection of human rights in America. This goal is achieved by visiting OAS member countries, conducting activities related to the topic, adopting preventive measures, preparing reports on the human rights situation in a specific country and analyzing individual petitions in order to determine the international responsibility of states, as stated in the information brochure "System of petitions and cases" IACHR .

An important achievement of the system is the special cataloging of the treaty on the prevention of torture and its punishment. Within the framework of the outstanding debt, it is awarded with the inclusion of non-governmental organizations with consultative status, since these institutions usually correctly address human rights violations, since they do not react to the conflicts of interest of individual governments.
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